Criminal Defense

Serving Fresno and the Central Valley

We understand what you’re going through in a criminal defense. You’re likely a good person who made a simple mistake

— or you’ve been incorrectly targeted as a suspect.

Criminal Defense Results

Charges Dropped 0%
Cases Won 0%
Cases Dismissed on Technicality 0%
Countersuits Filed 0%

Fresno Criminal Defense

Our criminal defense firm offers reliable representation for a variety of criminal, misdemeanor, and felony charges, including:

Gun Crimes

Unlawful possession of firearms, carrying a concealed weapon, firearm conversion, brandishing, and other firearm offenses.

Administrative Hearings

We help licensed professionals keep their careers and their integrity.

Personal Injury

Law relating to physical or psychological injury due to the actions of another person, company, government agency, or other entity.


The IDEA Act, IEP Implementation and reviews, amendments, mediation and due process, etc.